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Old Aug 27, 2007, 10:13 AM // 10:13   #1
Frost Gate Guardian
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Default CC: Harlequin

The idea behind this class is.. well lets start somewhere else first, we have classes who rely on physical attacks, Warrior/Assassin, we have a class who uses Shouts and Chants, Paragon, we have a class who relies on Enchants, Dervishes, we have a class that relies on summoning spirits and minions, Necro/Rit, We have a class who relies on ranged combat, Ranger, and of course a class that heals, Monk.
Now reading over that, fair enough iv missed afew classes and those classes "can" play other roles. But what kind of skill are we missing there? Attack Skills, Enchants, Shouts, Spells.. what type of skill haven’t we touched? Well, I just answered that with no pun intended. Touch skills.
Now I know what your all thinking, "Oh no more touch skills, this will so be abused!". Well iv tried to design this class with that in mind, most of the spells have a high spell cost and cooldown time, enough to stop them being abused by Ranger/Necro's ect, but at the same time make them fair enough to be implemented by other classes.

**Still in Development**
A very quick sum up as to not leave it Blank, still needs alot of work;
Harlequins are twisted individuals from (insert some dark not gone to place in Guild Wars). They see life as a play, battle's being the most important and exciting part of a play they often throw themselves into fights to please Lyssa and display a most wonderful play of blood and pain (aswell as on occasion run drama's for the dead or Grenth himself). They enjoy the degeneration of people or cultures, travelling in groups from town to town like a troupe or circus, they put on dark "plays" and Drama's of someone falling from power or even worse that shall not be told. As they see life as a Play, they almost always dance or strut, they are very egotistical and speak ever sentence as if it were the most important line preformed in a drama. They love to play tricks or jokes at other peoples expense, both in and out of battle.. How ever in battle it’s usually alot more painful and bloody.
A good general idea of these people would be The Dark Elf's, or if anyone is familiar with Warhammer 40k Background the Dark Elder.. just with alot less torture >.>" but retaining the lSadism, masochism and lust part still. (Unfortunately, since GW has many many young players.. :S iv obviously missed these bits of the story out hehe ^^)

Skill/Boss Color:
Black (or almost black) Purple


Followed God/ess/s:

Armour Level
Light Armour, 75 AL /W +30Armour against Dark Magic(Chaos/Shadow Damage) Much like the Rangers +30 to elemental damage.
Some examples of Harlequin Armour;

Another example could be;


Although alot like the Mesmer Masks, an example of a Harlequins masks would be;

They could also wear face paint (as show in pictures at bottom)

Finger Claws (Couldn’t think of a better name hehe XD)
-Max Dmg: 7-21 (very varied range to represent the inconsistency during the “dance”), 1.33 Attack Speed. I’m thinking of having them as a double handed weapon, much like Daggers just without the double strikes.
Harlequins use long knife like claws reaching from their fingers, much like these;
They are excellent for soft nimble strokes across the enemy, dancing and feinting attacks whilst slowly picking and slicing away at their foes.
Or if not, a Jesters Club, one handed melee weapon /w offhand;

Never deal physical damage, always some form of Element like Shadow or Chaos.

Energy Level
Medium Energy, 25 Energy, 4 Energy Regen. Reasonably low energy but high regen.

Range Type
Melee, Claws/Touch Skills.

Basically a Harlequin can play many roles, they have special "Dances" (stance/enchants) that allow them to reduce enemy performance or damage them. They use powerful touch skills in combination with attack skills to cause good damage and are Masters of condition manipulation.

Feint Craft; Primary- (Could also be called Choreography)
The Harlequin dances “feint” attacks, deceiving their opponent with false body language and fake strikes, exhausting their enemy’s energy to fight.
For each rank in Feint craft, when ever the Harlequin “hits” with an -attack skill- they gain 4% (per rank) of that skills energy back, aswell as 5%(per rank) of the Skills damage in health.
Claw Mastery- Claw Mastery increases the damage you do with Claws and your chance to inflict a critical hit when using Claws. Many skills, especially claw attack skills, become more effective with higher Claw Mastery.
Mime Craft- No inherent effect. Mime Art is heavy on touch and agile skills, allowing you to evade and inflict damage. Increased damage and effectiveness of skills.
Degradation Magic- No inherent effect. Degradation Magic increases the effectiveness of the Harlequin’s dances and rituals.

Skill Listing:

Feint Craft:
Signet of Lust.
Feint Craft,
En:0 Ca:¾ Re: 30
Your next 1-3 touch skills cannot be Blocked.

True Feint.
Feint Craft, Elite
En:10 Ca:3/4 Re:45
Touch Skill: Touched for suffers from exhaustion, you also suffer from exhaustion.

Hand in Hand.
Feint Craft,
En:5 Ca:1 Re: 25
Stance: For 45 seconds if attacking foe has any form of attack speed bonus you also gain this bonus.

Claw Mastery:
Stroke of Agony.
Claw Mastery,
En:5 Ca:1 Re: 20
Skill: For the next 30 seconds your next 1…7 Attack or Touch Skills cause Bleeding for 3-8 seconds.

Applauded Strike.
Claw Mastery,
En:5 Ca:0 Re:4
Claw Attack: Your next attack hits for +10…26 damage, if that foe is attacking they are interrupted.

Pat on the Back.
Claw Mastery,
En:5 Ca:3/4 Re: 15
Claw Attack: Target foe suffers from weakness for the next 3…9 seconds, you also suffer from weakness for 7…3 seconds.

Claw Mastery,
En:5 Ca:0 Re: 4
Claw Attack: This attack does an extra +12…38 damage if the foe is above 50% health.

Claw Rake.
Claw Mastery,
En5: Ca:0 Re:4
Claw Attack: This attack hits for +10…32 damage, target foe is also Crippled for 3…10 seconds.

Plague Stroke.
Claw Mastery,
En:5 Ca:1 Re: 4
Claw Attack: This attack strikes for +5…17 damage, Also transfer one negative condition and its remaining duration from yourself to attacked foe.

Expose Flesh.
Claw Mastery,
En:10 Ca:0 Re: 20
Hex Spell: If you next attack hits and the target foe has over 300armour, they are hexed for 5seconds. Whilst this hex is in effect their armour is reduced to 200(or lower) (or by 40%, not sure yet) and will remain so until the hex expires or is removed. (due to GW:EN just coming out this now could be counted as cracked armour maybe?)

“Dance with me”.
Claw Mastery,
Em:5 Ca:0 Re: 30
Shout: Party members within earshot gain “Dance with me”, For the next 3…8 seconds, if an ally is adjacent to you, your attacks cannot be blocked. (much like the rangers Crossfire)

Mime Craft:
Harlequin’s Kiss.
Mime Craft,
En:15 Ca:1 Re: 15
Touch Skill: Touched target takes for 15…38 damage and your target suffers from one of the following conditions: Dazed (for 5 seconds), Weakness (for 5 seconds), Bleeding (for 10 seconds), or crippled (for 10 seconds) or is Knocked Down (for 2 seconds).

Fiery Temper:

Mime Craft,
En:15 Ca:1 Re: 6
Touch Skill: Touched target takes 26…64 fire damage and is set on fire for 2seconds.

Surprise Shock:
Mime Craft,
En:15 Ca:1/2 Re: 10
Target touched foe is struck for 11...56 lightning damage and one random selected skill on their skill bar is disabled for 4…12 seconds.

Grip of Anger:

Mime Craft,
En:10 Ca:3/4 Re: 4
Touch Skill: Touched target takes 28…68 damage, if touched foe is suffering from a condition they take an additional +7…21 damage.

Hand of Darkness:

Mime Craft,
En:20 Ca:3/4 Re:10
Touch Skill: Touched target foe takes 34…71 shadow damage (armour ignore). This spell causes exhaustion.

Helping Hand:

Mime Craft,
En:10 Ca:3/4 Re:8
Touch Skill: Touched foe takes 27…54 cold damage, if the touched target is below 50% health you instead steal 31…67 health, if this attack kills the target you also gain +4-7 Energy.

Rip Magic.
Mime Craft,
En:10 Ca:1 Re:10
Touch Skill: A single enchantment on that target foe expires 33...66% faster and that target foe loses 5…10energy when it expires.

Tap on the Shoulder.

Mime Craft,
En:15 Ca:1 Re: 20
Touch Skill: Touched foe is interrupted and suffers from dazed for 1…4 seconds, if that skill was a spell you gain 2…5 energy.

Whisper in the Ear.
Mime Craft,
En:10 Ca:1 Re: 15
Skill: If the target foe is enchanted or hexed, he suffers an additional -2 Energy Degen for 2…6 seconds.

Bewildering Speed.
Mime Craft,
En:5 Ca:1 Re: 15
Stance: For 5…12seconds you run 33% faster and your next attack skill recharges instantly.

Invisible Box:
Mime Craft,
En:5 Ca:1/4 Re: 8
Skill: The next time you would take physical damage, that damage is negated and you gain 21…57 health at the cost of 5…3 energy.

Shimmer of Dance:
Mime Craft, Elite
En:10 Ca:1/4 Re: 60
Enchantment Spell: For the next 8…27 seconds you dance in a shimmer of light and double image’s, any foe attacking you or casting a spell takes 50% longer to do so.

Degradation Magic:
Applauding Audience:
Degradation Magic, Elite
En:15 Ca:3 Re: 50
Enchantment Spell: For 13…42 seconds, whenever an nearby foes suffer any form of degen, for each -2points of degen they are suffering you gain as +1 (Maximum +1-7)

The Slightest Touch:
Degradation Magic,
En:10 Ca:1 Re: 20
Hex Spell: If the foe is suffering from a condition, the next 1-2 touch spells do an extra +11…34 damage.

Smile of the Warlock:
Degradation Magic,
En:5 Ca:1/2 Re: 5
Spell: Swap a condition or hex with target foe. (Calculated in trading your longest duration for their lowest and the highest degen in the case of conditions).

Dance of Death:
Degradation Magic,
En:5 Ca:1/4 Re:45
Enchantment Spell: For the next 20 seconds you have a 75% chance to block attacks from foes that are below (10…30%) Health.

Egotistical Dance:

Degradation Magic,
En:5 Ca:1 Re:15
Stance: For the next 5seconds this stance does nothing, but if you are hit in melee the attacker suffers from Cripple and Blind for the next 5seconds, this stance ends.
(long cool down/short effect time, making it fair)

Dance of Disease:
Degradation Magic,
En:10 Ca:1 Re:30
Stance: You become Diseased for 10seconds, each second any adjacent foes to you also suffer disease for 10seconds (until the stance ends). Whilst the stance is active (10seconds) the disease is not contagious to adjacent allies. (but if it is removed, i.e. Wild Blow then you suffer disease for the remainder 10seconds and adjacent allies CAN catch it from you).


Degradation Magic,
En:10 Ca:2 Re:15
Skill: Adjacent foes suffer from poison for 16…27 seconds. You suffer from Dazed for 10…4 seconds.
(the dazed is basically you seeing crazy things whilst everyone else is affected worse by the toxin)

Dance of the Jester:
Degradation Magic,
En:10 Ca:2 Re:25
Enchantment Spell: For 7…21 seconds when ever a aggressive Spell or attack Skill is used against you, you gain (1-2) Energy.
(please not it says SKILL not normal attacks ^^)

Two Left Feet:
Degeneration Magic,
En:5 Ca:2 Re:10
Skill: If target foe is currently using a stance, the effect of that stance is negated and they instead suffer -1…6 health degen for the reminder of that stance’s duration.
(since we only have like.. 2 spells(wild blow…s, and that ranger shot xD) I can think of that effect Stance’s I thought id make a skill that punishes people for using one)


Now I know they may resemble Mesmers alittle, also I know the skills need alot of fine tuning or their are some similar ones out there, but being my first CC I hope you enjoy reading it ^^; and that afew things iv added are original.
Oh and please keep in mind:
***Background will be comming soon!***
Thankies! Pinky -xXx-

Last edited by NeonPink; Nov 08, 2007 at 11:15 AM // 11:15..
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 01:10 PM // 13:10   #2
Desert Nomad
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What are the Original Ideas^^?
How bout borrowing SC's and my Deception Attribute from our Wraith and Rouge?
Also try some Teleportaion Skills and not just Teleport yourself but also you're enemies^^.
Like switching places or bringing them to you.
Also it would be nice if you would be a Condition Spammer which I think which already is^^.
The Playstyle seems a little bit of my Rouge better check it^^.
Also you might wanna check my Sopphetio's Multiplication Skills^^!
And try adding skills which transforms enemies into a monster like my Alchemist.
Transform Target Creature into a Lv.(24-13) Fire Imp. If Target was an Imp Type that Creature turns into a Homonculi.
Yes they may turn stronger but they would take more damage.
Like Fire Imp is vunrible to cold or plant types are vunrible to fire.
And you may also lessen their level^^!
The Homonculi System would be kept secret^^.
It's for my Alchemist don't want people to steal my ideas^^!

And I'll be upgrading my Minstrel, But I need more help and unique ideas before posting it^^.
I'll post something about my Minstrel soon you might wanna read it if you want to improve this CC^^!
I'll be sending you my Rating soon as you finnish improving this build until it feels right to me^^!

Last edited by [M]agna_[C]arta; Aug 27, 2007 at 01:13 PM // 13:13..
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 01:31 PM // 13:31   #3
Frost Gate Guardian
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Harlequin, I was expecting another mesmer clone but was pleasantly surprised.
I liked the general explanation of the class, however.
Building a class around touchskills? could be interesting but I don't think you used the idea as well as you could have. Touchskills are, atm, spells that have been slightly boosted in power and reduced in casting time to compensate for their lack of range. Your touchskills are no different making me wonder why you wouldn't just make it your basic spellcaster while you're at it, considering how similar the effects of the skills are.
claw mastery was disappointing, far too similar to existing melee skills.
there are nevertheless many interesting ideas scattered about the posts, but no real unifying system.
It's incredibly hard, I know that, but a class without a good system is in the end not worth the bits it's made of.

various observations and suggestions:

the ability to inflict condition in exchange for taking some upon you, not THE most original addition (necros) + with a lil skill called plague touch it becomes not only overpowered but locked in a set build. However with some bright balancing this may yet be salvaged and even improved.

most interesting skills.
dance with me: this looks like it could be a key element in a proper system.
rip magic: darkhell's rogue has an identical skill, but hey.
whisper in the ear
bewildering speed
two left feet: also overpowered
applauding audience: far too powerful though.

other obviously overpowered skills:
the slightest touch: lol

many skills become overpowered when used by someone with a higher energy total such as an ele.

expose flesh: o_O, I think you're confused about GW's armor system, try using wiki.

Originally Posted by NeonPink

Finger Claws (Couldn’t think of a better name hehe XD)
I believe those are called 'nails'

GL, I'll be watching :-)

*PS: nice pics
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 01:36 PM // 13:36   #4
Frost Gate Guardian
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Wth Magna, you trying to round up more views :-D ?
And everyone leave teleporting enemies alone!! it's ME who's working on that.
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 01:45 PM // 13:45   #5
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by adam of phyrexia
applauding audience: far too powerful though.
Hence why it’s an Elite!! ^^; and why it has a Max of only +7pip Regen (basically the same as healing breeze, so with a huge cooldown and high energy cost I see it as fair.)
Originally Posted by adam of phyrexia
two left feet: also overpowered
Well from the skill point of view, skills that can only effect people whilst they're are performing a certain action have always been stronger, and since we only have 2 skills to effect stances I originally thought this was fair, how ever playing a Mesmer today I realised how overpowered it was, since they have stances that last almost 55 seconds and over! O_O and as for the armour system yes very confused >.> it looked it up and its very confuzzling o.o"
Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
The Playstyle seems a little bit of my Rouge better check it^^.
Ah I see... I had no idea :S I didn't mean to steal anyone’s idea's so im sorry if it seemed so >_< Haven't really read that many of the CC's ^^;;;
Being my first CC I gathered id have to work on the skills alot and since I kept going back and forth to it I think I got the skills alittle jumbled up, I’m going to go back to the working board and begin "fixing" it ^^; Thanks alot for the tips and if you have more id love to hear
But constructive people please ^^;;; tehee.
Thankies! Love Reyvi -xXx-

p.s. Very sorry if it takes me awhile to improve on it, I really have to be in a creative mood to write :B and to be honest with GW:EN just about to come out iv kinda lost my heart in it

Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
What are the Original Ideas^^?
T_T *cry, sob, cry*

Last edited by NeonPink; Aug 27, 2007 at 02:04 PM // 14:04..
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 02:08 PM // 14:08   #6
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Originally Posted by NeonPink
and for the armour system yes very >.> it looks very confuzzling o.o"
Well, first of all, when dmg is given.
The game selects a random piece of armor, and then the stats on that armor count for the dmg.
so if your chest has +15 against fire, it will only have that bonus about X percent of the time (for the chest I believe it's about 30 percent), this percent varies from armor piece to armor piece depending on size (as such there's lil chance you'll say, get hit on your gloves).
there's a page somewhere that reveals how much dmg to each armor.
if it's 60, that's 100 percent, if lower than more, and less if it's higher.

Originally Posted by NeonPink
Ah i see... I had no idea :S i didn't mean to steal anyones idea's so im sorry if it seemed so >_<
quiet annoying indeed when you find out someone had the same idea before you, or at least posted it earlier. Ignorance is bliss, there's 20 pages in this forum with about 20 threads each, chance is limited your idea is truly original but you shouldn't worry about it as long as you came up with it independently.

Originally Posted by NeonPink
T_T *cry, sob, cry*
aww, I don't think it was meant that way, magna's a bit slow on grasping things when they aren't perfectly filed .

Last edited by adam of phyrexia; Aug 27, 2007 at 02:10 PM // 14:10..
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 02:09 PM // 14:09   #7
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Originally Posted by NeonPink
and for the armour system yes very >.> it looks very confuzzling o.o"
Well, first of all, when dmg is given.
The game selects a random piece of armor, and then the stats on that armor count for the dmg.
so if your chest has +15 against fire, it will only have that bonus about X percent of the time (for the chest I believe it's about 30 percent), this percent varies from armor piece to armor piece depending on size (as such there's lil chance you'll say, get hit on your gloves).
there's a page somewhere that reveals how much dmg to each armor.
if it's 60, that's 100 percent, if lower than more, and less if it's higher.

Originally Posted by NeonPink
Ah i see... I had no idea :S i didn't mean to steal anyones idea's so im sorry if it seemed so >_<
quiet annoying indeed when you find out someone had the same idea before you, or at least posted it earlier. Ignorance is bliss, there's 20 pages in this forum with about 20 threads each, chance is limited your idea is truly original but you shouldn't worry about it as long as you came up with it independently.

Originally Posted by NeonPink
T_T *cry, sob, cry*
aww, I don't think it was meant that way, magna's a bit slow on grasping things when they aren't perfectly filed .
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 02:10 PM // 14:10   #8
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euh, woops :/
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 03:12 PM // 15:12   #9
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I like the idea a lot. I have to give you props for trying to keep it somewhat balanced. Some things are powerful, but I wouldn't say you have made anything that would be more powerful than an elite should be.

Very creative this class based on a toucher. And while true, a 'toucher' build exists, this seems fundamentally different in concept. I like how dark this class is. It seems to have a sort of twisted manipulative feel to it as if had you had to fight one, you'd have to pay attention to not cut yourself in the process, for what he would do to your mind in battle.

I would go a bit further with the spells and less about claw mastery. Perhaps I would even do away with it entirely. If you want physical, you'd go with assasin or warrior. This should be a melee NON-physical fighter. That is to say, the majority of your damage comes with manipulating your opponent rather than dealing damage to him yourself.

A few ideas for spells:

Self-Inflicted Pain (10 energy, 1 sec, 20 recharge) - For the next 6 seconds, the damage taken by you in the next attack is negated. Your opponent receives that damage instead (maximum of 30...100). (Mime Craft)

Feign Death (10 energy, 1 sec, 45 recharge) - Elite enchantment. Sacrifice 100% health. After 10 seconds, you will be ressurrected with life equal to that of when Feign Death was cast. Penalties regarding death do not affect you from death caused by Feign Death. (no attribute)

Dream State (5 energy, 2 sec, 20 recharge) - Hex Stance. For 20 seconds, target touched foe is dazed until Dream State ends. Dream State ends when foe successfully casts a spell. (Degradation Magic) (and I think this spell should make the player's screen go 'drunk' for added effect)

Fumble (10 energy, 2 sec, 30 recharge) - Hex Stance. For 6 seconds, the next skill or spell target touched opponent casts will cast another recharged skill or spell in the opponent's skill bar instead and becomes easily interruptable. (Degradation Magic)

Fool's Hex (15 energy, 1 sec, 30 recharge) - Elite Hex Stance. For 10 seconds, whenever target touched opponent is healed, that opponent is interrupted. (Degradation Magic)

Cursed Idol (10 energy, 1 sec, 45 recharge) - Binding Ritual. For 20 seconds, while you hold Cursed Idol, you receive -2..-5 health degeneration and -1..-2 energy degeneration. You cannot drop Cursed Idol. When Cursed Idol ends, player holding Cursed Idol gains Deep Wound for 10 seconds. If you use touch spell on foe who is not holding an item, you lose Cursed Idol and foe gains Cursed Idol with its remaining duration. (Degradation Magic) (implies that opponent could transfer it back to ally if they had touch spell though)

Mind Parasite (10 energy, 1 sec, 30 recharge) - Hex Stance. For 15 seconds, target touched foe gains Mind Parasite. Whenever foe casts a spell, that foe loses 2..5 energy and you gain 10 life for each point of energy lost in this way. Mind Parasite ends prematurely if foe uses a non-spell skill.

Fanatic's Stance (0 energy, 1 sec, 45 recharge) - Signet Stance. For 15 seconds, you lose 20 armor. Your attacks deal an additional +30...45 damage, and you have a 50%...25% chance to deal each attack to yourself instead. (Claw Mastery)

And I think that could be a possible unique idea for your class. Hex stances. A hex stance would be exactly like a stance with a minor difference. You do not place a stance on yourself but your foe. In this way, they cannot be removed like normal hexes (though at the same time, I would always offer a way for these 'hex stances' to break under certain conditions or be very short as to not be too powerful). I would also say that you have to touch your opponent before he receives them, in order to stay in touch with a 'toucher' class (no pun intended).

Creativity: 8
Practicality: 10
Suitability: 8


Last edited by Hawkeye; Aug 27, 2007 at 03:48 PM // 15:48..
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 04:31 PM // 16:31   #10
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I would go a bit further with the spells and less about claw mastery. Perhaps I would even do away with it entirely.
Yeah the only reason i included it was because i couldn't think of a 3rd Attribute =/ i agree that the Claw skills are only a backup to your other skills. Thanks alot for the nice feedback however I'm taking it all in so keep the feedback comming people. Thanks alot for the tips and help!
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 04:34 PM // 16:34   #11
Frost Gate Guardian
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*fourth* attribute is always a bitch
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Old Aug 27, 2007, 07:57 PM // 19:57   #12
Frost Gate Guardian
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I class the Primary as the Primary and then 3 extra's :P But i guess it is the fourth yes XD hehe :P!

p.s. Also updated the background with a general idea, but thats just so i don't leave it blank, still need to write up the BG ^^

Last edited by NeonPink; Aug 28, 2007 at 06:30 AM // 06:30..
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 03:33 AM // 03:33   #13
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damn, you beat me to the claw idea! i was going to implement it into my Cignatus profession!!! ah well, anyways, nice CC, great pics, not too overpowered, and seems like a lot of fun.

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Old Aug 28, 2007, 06:32 AM // 06:32   #14
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Originally Posted by Dean Harper
damn, you beat me to the claw idea!
And someone already beat me too it! XD
Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Haha xD
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 09:05 AM // 09:05   #15
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I like the idea; on the basis of a toucher, as well as the difference from it by having no blocking skills, which are the basis of most current toucher's defenses.
It instead gains health whenever it uses an -attack- skill, thereby maintaining health; why attack skills? Wouldn't that make the primary useless when not used with claw mastery.

The claw seem a lot like assassin attack skills, without the added diversity of lead ,offhand and dual.
With their ability to inflict conditions, it would perhaps be useful to use attacks that inflict conditions without dealing much additional damage, and also attacks that deal additional damage requiring conditions to be on the target, and also attacks that remove the conditions from the target or transfer them to you, dealing large damage for each condition the foe loses.
That would really fit the condition manipulation part of the class, as well as make the attacks more unique and interesting.

You also definitely, absolutely and surely have to have the attack skill
Gibbs' Slap claw attack E10 A(next attack) R10
If this attack hits a foe not using a skill, that foe takes 10...20(24) damage for each skill that is not recharging.

But if you want a good additional attribute, instead of claw mastery, a defensive one would be useful; I'm thinking increasing armor while decreasing that of foes, and several other hexes.

All in all this is good stuff, especially for your first CC(here).

Last edited by System_Crush; Aug 28, 2007 at 11:58 AM // 11:58..
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 10:19 AM // 10:19   #16
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I've always liked the skill Wastel's Worry for its ability to frustrate the player by forcing them to act a certain way or by getting punished for not doing so.

I'd like to see the Harlequin embrace this idea that it could truly make a player's life hell by introducing elements which would either alter their play style or take massive damage as a consequence.

Throw in a bunch of conditional hexes which benefit you when broken. Either the player follows or takes serious consequences (both damage and otherwise).

Clouded Mind (10 energy, 1 cast, 20 recharge) - Hex. For 30 seconds, if target touched foe has 4 or more skills recharging, all skills are disabled for the remaining duration of Clouded Mind and Clouded Mind ends prematurely.

Eclectic Memory (10 energy, 1 cast, 20 recharge) - Hex. When Eclectic Memory is cast, a random skill from the player's skill bar is chosen. For 20 seconds, if player uses that skill, the player receives damage equal to twice the recharge time of the chosen skill. (player would not know which skill, he would only know that he has Eclectic Memory hex on him)

Stubborness (10 energy, 1 cast, 30 recharge) - Hex. For 30 seconds, the next skill the target touched foe uses recharges 50% faster, and all other skills cast by foe take an additional 5..15 seconds to recharge.

Fright (10 energy, 1 cast, 30 recharge) - Spell. Shadow step behind target touched foe and target foe is knocked down for 1 second.

Sinister Insight (5 energy, 1 cast, 45 recharge) - For 15 seconds, 2..10% of all damage taken is converted into energy.
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 12:15 PM // 12:15   #17
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by System_Crush
It instead gains health whenever it uses an -attack- skill, thereby maintaining health; why attack skills? Wouldn't that make the primary useless when not used with claw mastery.
An Attack skill is any form of skill that deal's damage, touch skills, attack skills, "put class weapon here" attack... practically anything thats not a "Spell" or Shout is an attack (obviously enchants ect ect aint :P)

I really like the idea of putting a conition on a target and then removing it to cause high damage, that seems very nice but.... it could really piss off some condition spammers like rangers or say if someone was running a poison+signet build, just as they use their signet of toxic shock you remove it.. >_< May get them alittle angry.. :S

Originally Posted by System_Crush
But if you want a good additional attribute, instead of claw mastery, a defensive one would be useful; I'm thinking increasing armor while decreasing that of foes, and several other hexes.
Hmmm yes that would be really nice, add that to hawkeyes post and we may have our 3rd attribute. In that case we could swap the claws for the Jester Clubs (they always deal some form of elemental damage, possibly shadow/choas ect)
Originally Posted by System_Crush
All in all this is good stuff, especially for your first CC(here).
And yes it is my first ever anywhere ^^;;;; thank you

Last edited by NeonPink; Aug 28, 2007 at 12:20 PM // 12:20..
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 12:24 PM // 12:24   #18
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Originally Posted by neonpink
it could really piss off some condition spammers like rangers or say if someone was running a poison+signet build, just as they use their signet of toxic shock you remove it.. >_< May get them alittle angry.. :S
Not really, mesmers can do the same with hexes and nobody's complaining about that
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Old Aug 28, 2007, 03:05 PM // 15:05   #19
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Only with Mes Hex's? But almost all classes can apply Conditions, but it would be very nice to see! Would add something new too!
e.g. "This spell removes one condition and that target takes 2dmg for each second remaining on it's duration"

Last edited by NeonPink; Sep 14, 2007 at 09:05 PM // 21:05..
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Old Sep 14, 2007, 06:29 PM // 18:29   #20
Wilds Pathfinder
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This thread full of clowns is like my nightmares manifested.
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